March 01, 2013

#2 Kaki Melangkah

Traveling to Terengganu.
On suka-suka purpose.
Seriously, its like thousand years tak datang sini.
Agak banyak changes.
Since today is hari cuti untuk pantai timur.
Me and my friend went to Teluk Cempedak.
Tempat tu sangat cantik.
Ohsem tahap dewa.
Tah kenapa tak pernah sampai sini.
Padahal 3 tahun Diploma kat Terengganu.
Since it was just noon.
Takde orang sangat kat sini.
And serius tempat niy nampak macam private beach.
And paling cool.
Ade various fast food chain.
So jangan risau pasal lapa.
Sebab I can eat almost everything.
End up. Me n my bestiy jalan sampai end of pathway.
Tapi beach at the other side lebih sesuai untuk mandi.
The first one is much more ohsem.
Soon kne datang lagi.
Sweet memory :)
Credit gmba dpd sini.