March 18, 2013

Isnin Yang Indah

Its already third week of March.
Yet jobless.
But mungkin ada hikmah behind all these.
Anyway, things are bit messy at home.
Gladly I'm very helpful while I'm home.
Btw, my Ojey is going for Beijing trip.
[ School trip to be exact ]
Best la beliau sebab time skolah ade fieldtrip macam niy.
Zaman I dulu-dulu.
Lawatan sekola pegi Langkawi, Pangkor or Melaka.
Zaman had changed Yaya.
Accept the fact :3
My Adik going for sports trip to Kuching.
Ini sorang lagi.
Kecik-kecik sudah aktif sport.
[ Bagusla. Jangan jadi mooolat macam kakak anda ]
Tennis Tournament as Kuala Lumpur rep.
Itu sangat cool. My time.
Wakil daerah jew. Main netball.
Hew hew~
[ And time had changed. Again :3 ]

Oke. Sume orang tinggalkan I.
Sedih niy.
[ Padahal pegi pun ade la 10 ari jew ]
Tapi. Kena jaga hal ehwal rumah sensorang.
Itu sangat hebat.
Saya rasa. Saya takmaw memasak lah.
Saya nak bungkus jew makanan. Ahahah.
This is what I would expect weather in China to be.
Its 5°C. Too cold :3