June 04, 2018

Im Getting a House - Offer to Purchase


Actually, around a month pun lepas viewing.
Thanks dekat owner sebab sanggup tunggu kami.
My agent dah datang ke rumah untuk hantar Offer to Purchase (OTP).
I signed them and handed over my 3% earnest deposit cheque.

Next day, my agent dah proses receipt untuk my deposit.
So i is tunggu copy OTP yg owner dah acknowledge.

What to look for in OTP:
1) Clause on your Deposit
- Should be returnable in the case of unable to obtain loan
- Should be returnable if in case owner suddenly x jadi jual

2) Signed by all Owner
- Owners should have signed the form
- Ada proofing dari your agent & Owners' agent

3) Date is correct
- From here, you have 1 month approx to obtain loan

4) Don't make cash payment to owner or Agent
- Everything in/out must be recorded & have proof of transaction

Next, sebulan untuk cari loan.
Phew~ Clock is ticking.